Journalistic ethics
Being a journalist is considered to be very exciting job. Taking interviews, writing about interesting events sounds fascinating and really is. But how about being entangled in controversial situations, where you can be in a center of a scandal? Unfortunately, negative news and public arguments spread fast in media and general masses. This is a topic worth attention and careful thinking about consequences of your actions and decisions.
1. You are a journalist coming to report on a funeral of an American fallen soldier in Afghanistan. After the funeral ceremony, the soldier's mother asks you to come and light candles in his honor with her. What do you do? Why? Answer:
To begin with, as a journalist I would take into account media outlet I am working for, since my decisions and actions reflect the image of institution and its political/social position. In addition, very important aspect is country where outlet is located because my journalistic work can (not)directly affect foreign affairs. So, as an israeli journalist I would light the candles because in that way I show my respect to the soldier’s family and try to strengthen USA-Israel ties at the same time. Moreover, I understand grief of mother who have lost her child and want to support her in this hard moment.
2. The exact same situation but some details are changed. You are a journalist coming to report on a funeral of a Hamas militant who died during one of his battles. After the funeral ceremony, the soldier's mother asks you to come and light candles in his honor with her. What do you do? And why?
According to the aspects I have mentioned above, the situation became different and more controversial. To be precise, Hamas militant group has a complicated and negative relationship with the state of Israel and israeli society. There is an endless list of crimes and terror attaks Hamas commited towards jewish people. Despite the fact of mother’s grief, I would not light up the candles in honor of militant who belonged to the group responsible for deaths of israeli citizens because values of my society and state are coming to the first place. A job of journalist requires finding a balance between a professional and national values which can often become a controversial issue.
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